Performax Labs HyperMax 3D - 460g Raspberry Limeade

Ingredients: 3D Pump Breakthrough (L-Citrulline, Glycerol, Amla Fruit Extract), Beta-Alanine, Betaine Anhydrous, Taurine, S7 (Green Coffee bean (fruit) Extract, Green tea (leaf) Extract, Turmeric (root) Extract, Tart cherry (fruit), Blueberry (fruit), Kale (leaf), Broccoli (whole plant))Energy and Focus , L-Tyrosine, ThinFen (Beta-Phenylethylamine HCL), Caffeine Anhydrous, NeuroPEA (Eria Jarensis (whole plant) Extract), Cocobuterol (Cocobuterol Cocoa Extract (Theobroma cacao L.)(seed) (std. min 50% cocoa alkaloids)) Citrus Aurantium (fruit) Extract, Huperzia Serrata (leaf) Extract (std. to 1% Huperzine-A)
Please Note: Nutritional facts and ingredients may vary slightly between flavours.
SKU: 367859


HyperMax has been firmly entrenched as one of the premier pre workout supplements on the market, delivering on all facets of pre workout perfection -- energy, focus, pumps, and performance
Product specifications
Brand Performax Labs
Product Type Pre-Workout
Category Nutrition
New Release Yes