Naughty Boy Crea-Greens - 270g Summer Fruits

Ingredients: Pink Himalayan Salt, PureWay-C (Ascorbic Acid and Citrus Bioflavonoids), Magnesium (as Aquamin MG), Creatine Monohydrate, CocoMineral , Aquamin MG, MitoGreens - Quercetin, Clove Extract, Green Tea Extract, Onion Extract, Acerola Extract, Mint Leaf Extract, Rosemary Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Curry Extract, Elderberry Concentrate, Mangosteen Concentrate, Blackcurrant Extract, Blueberry Extract, Bilberry Extract, Brussels Sprout Concentrate, Broccoli Sprout Concentrate, Apple Extract, Tomato Concentrate, Broccoli Concentrate, Camu Camu Concentrate, Garlic Concentrate, Oregano Concentrate, Carrot Concentrate, Sweet Cherry Concentrate, Raspberry Concentrate, White Pepper, Chokeberry Concentrate, Kale Concentrate, Blackberry Concentrate, Ergothioneine. AstraGin (Astragalus membranaceus & Panax notoginseng) Root Extracts
Please Note: Nutritional facts and ingredients may vary slightly between flavours.
SKU: 367383


Crea-Greens - Powered by MitoGreens , Aquamin MG, Cocomineral , AstraGin and arguably the most researched, tested and proven supplement Creatine Monohydrate. MitoGreens 200mg - Mitogreens Contains over 30 well known vegetables, fruits and spices. Mitogreens Has an extremely high oxygen radical absorbance capacity level amplified by the immense benefits of ergothioneine (MitoPrime ). Remember where you saw this first. Aquamin MG 500mg - Aquamin MG is a highly bioavailable source of marine magnesium and 72 additional trace minerals. Cocomineral 1000mg - Cocomineral Contains key electrolytes of sodium and potassium which are lost through sweat during exercise. Pink Himalayan Salt 300mg - Pink Himalayan Salt contains more than 80 minerals and elements including potassium, iron and calcium. PHS has been included to help your body achieve optimal fluid balance and prevent dehydration. PureWay-C 80mg - PureWay-C is a unique formula that supports the body's immune system. It contains PureWay-C, a unique form of vitamin C that contains vitamin C-lipid metabolites that has superior uptake, bioavailability and retention in cells, as well as more potent free radical scavenging capabilities than other forms of vitamin C. AstraGin 50mg - As always, AstraGin Is included to maximise absorption.
Product specifications
Brand Naughty Boy
Product Type Creatine
Category Nutrition
New Release Yes