Muscle Rage - Regenerate PCT 120 Caps

Ingredients: Saw Palmetto, KSM-66, N-Acetyl L-Cysteine, Androst 3,5 diene-7, 17-dione, Androst 3,5 diene-7,17-dione. Vegetable Cellulose (Capsules), Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide. Contains Milk.
Please Note: Nutritional facts and ingredients may vary slightly between flavours.
SKU: 367117


Regenerate is the perfect PCT supplement following any SARM or Pro Hormone cycle. Maximises TestosteroneCrushes EstrogenControls ProgesteroneSide Effect DestroyerIt is also the perfect pct supplement for someone looking to take control their testosterone and estrogen levels simultaneously. Usually when testosterone is low, estrogen is high leading to stubborn and easier fat storage, poor muscle gains and lethargy. But when testosterone high and estrogen is low you can expect a sense of wellbeing, easier muscle growth, fat loss and removal of some excess water.
Product specifications
Brand Muscle Rage
Product Type Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements
Category Nutrition
New Release Yes