LoveRaw Vegan Cream Wafer Bar - 12x45g White Choc

Ingredients: Hazelnut and cocoa filling (50%) [hazelnuts (47%), sugar, cocoa butter, emulsifier: sunflower lecithin, salt], sugar, vegetable fat (coconut), defatted cocoa powder, wheat flour, cocoa liquor, emulsifier: soya lecithin, corn starch, vegetable fibre (wheat), salt, raising agent: Sodium bicarbonate, malt barley extract.
Please Note: Nutritional facts and ingredients may vary slightly between flavours.
SKU: 367002


2 indulgent vegan hazelnut filled wafers with a choclate flavoured coating. "So we had this crazy idea: make legendary vegan chocolate that tastes like chocolate chocolate. If you're wondering what we look like, that's us on the front. The idea is now our reality and has come a long way from our tiny kitchen. Try it. We think you'll love it. "
Product specifications
Brand LoveRaw
Product Type Vegan Snacks
Category Nutrition
New Release Yes