Gorillalpha Alien Juice - 300g Alienade (Peach)

Ingredients: Beta Alanine, l-Tyrosine, Alpha Gpc - Alpha Glyceryl Phosphoryl Choline 50%, Eria Jerensis, Keglia Africana, Amento Pump?, Citicoline (CDP Choline) Citrus Aurantium, Pink Himalayan Salt, Hordenine, Caffeine Anhydrous, Caffeine Citrate, Infinegy ?(De Caffeine Malate) Astragin??Vitamin B3 Niacin, Huperzine A 1%?
Please Note: Nutritional facts and ingredients may vary slightly between flavours.
SKU: 366768


Alien Juice delivers wild levels of energy with increased "Feel good" hormones. The pre-workout drinks that actually make you feel amazing with enhanced mood elevation effects!Your workouts will be on a whole new level expect explosive performance, super human endurance, pumped muscles, laser like focus, a new energy surge that will get you moving and no crash. A powerful synergy of exciting stims nootropics and ingredients that work in conjunction to create these incredible sugar free pre-workout drinks.
Product specifications
Brand Gorillalpha
Product Type Pre-Workout
Category Nutrition
New Release Yes