Cellucor C4 Ripped Pre-Workout - 180g Blue Raspberry

Ingredients: Beta Alanine 1600mg, Arginine AKG 1000mg, Ripped Blend (L-Carnitine Tartrate, Green Coffee extract, Capsimax cayenne extract, Coleus Forskohlii extract) 1000mg, Vitamin C 250mg, N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine 200mg, Caffeine Anhydrous 150mg, Niacinamide 30mg, Vitamin B6 500mcg, Folate 150mcg, Vitamin B12 20mcg.
Please Note: Nutritional facts and ingredients may vary slightly between flavours.
SKU: 366179


C4 Ripped is a pre-workout supplement that combines the explosive energy of C4 with ingredients specific to fat loss. This formula helps you train harder while supporting your body s ability to burn fat.
Product specifications
Brand Cellucor
Product Type Pre-Workout
Category Nutrition
New Release Yes